Again welcome!

I am Christiaan Bikker and i am 21 years old.
I was born on September 3th in the year 1991 in the city of Zwolle.

I did everything in Zwolle, kindergarten, elementary school and high school.
After graduating from high school i started studying Management, Economy and Law.
Unfortunately this didn't work out for me. I wanted to do something in de filmbusiness.
So now i am studying Media & Entertainment Management in Rotterdam. I also moved
to this city and am living on my own here.

When i was a little boy i saw a movie. After that i decided to watch de 'behind-the-scenes' part of the DVD.
From then on i was really interested in movies. I started to learn mroe about it by myself. On the age of 17
i had an idea for a movie. I decided to ask a producer if he could take a look at it and he agreed. I then started
to read about writing a movie. Eventually i had writtent he format and the script. People were impressed and
enthousiastic. Unfortunately it didn't get produced, but i learned a lot. I learned more and started writing more
formats. I really enjoy this.

In the end of 2011 i decided that i wanted to follow an actingclass. This is what i did and i followed a second one.
I thought it was great and i loved to do it.

I am still expanding myself, learning and  in this world and i will keep doing this and i love it.


Also visit my social mediapages 





Christiaan Bikker